Keywords are words or phrases in your web page that match the words and phrases customers are entering into the search engines or browser. When a customer enters a word or phrase they are beginning a search journey to find an answer.
Keywords used properly in your domain’s website will result in your potential customer finding their answer in your domain.
Did you know that there are different keywords?
Generic keywords are different from long tail keywords. Generic keywords can also be referred to as short-tail keywords (it is when a customer might search for “running shoes,” “plumbing,” “towing”). When a customer uses a short tail keyword it means he is at the start of his search journey.
Long tail keywords are phrases that are generally made from three to five words. Since these keywords are more specific than generic terms, they allow you to be more successful in targeting certain customers. These keywords are also less competitive than generic keywords because they are designed to better reflect how people make queries.
There are four types of keywords:
An informational keyword is used to learn about a specific topic. These are often used early in the customer’s journey. They help when someone is still researching and gathering information.
A navigational keyword is used to find a specific website or webpage. This has a specific name embedded in it like a bank login page or a favorite news website.
A commercial keyword is often used in the middle stages of the customer’s journey. This is used when someone is considering options and comparing prices.
A transactional keyword is used when a customer is ready to make a purchase or taking some other kind of action such as signing up for a newsletter or filling out a contact form. Transactional keywords are often used in the final stages of the customer’s journey.